alabaster Counseling Services is Proud to endorse Eden's integrative Health Coaching
What Is Integrative Health Coaching?
When you work with a coach from Eden, you can trust fully that they have your best health interests at heart.
Coaching sessions start with a conversation that unpacks the health challenges you face, followed by us working together to find sustainable solutions to those challenges so that you can live out your best health.
Here’s how it works. You’ll start by filling out an intake form with your basic health history. Then you will book a fREE 30-minute consultation call where we will look at your health goals and determine if we are the right fit to work together. If it’s a go, we will book your first coaching session and begin to work toward creating the health goals you want for yourself.
Meet the Head Coach!
Katherine Jffries
I am a wife to Josh and a mother to four wild children. I am a certified nutrition coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I am passionate about Jesus and desire to share with others how to follow His original design for health.
In 2018, pregnant with my oldest, The Lord gently guided me into the revelation that real nutrition is the building block of life and the most important tool we have in preventing disease.
I began my health coaching certification program in January of 2024, because I wanted to share with others all that I was learning. Immediately, God downloaded deeper revelation about His heart for His children and their health. That advice is not outdated. If we want to experience full and abundant life as described in John 10, we should follow the creator’s original design for health. If we would eat whole food, lower our toxin load, get quality rest, and maintain healthy relationships, we would see our quality of life skyrocket. I am so passionate about the need for this information to be understood with those who allow me to share with them.